Happy New Years !!

Ah, the promises that go along with Good Ol’ New Years Day…….

“All past mistakes are washed from our soul, new goals are set, we swear off our bad habits as we prance fearlessly and confidently into the promising pastures of the New Year!!”

Invigorating, I know…. But that type of prophetic, smiley face, everyone gets a trophy, isn’t life great, go get em speech really makes Coach Ned want to BARF!!!!


To use a typical Coach Ned “old guy” term….”let’s get down to the nitty gritty”.


For your New Year REVOLUTION and to help you celebrate future New Years in your new condo and not at your parent’s home, try these (5) things;


  1. Register the career center at your university
  2. Start networking early (get on LinkedIn and contact all the folks you know)
  3. Update your resume so it is professional and current
  4. Go to the Career Fairs at your university
  5. Expand your experience (job shadowing and internships)


Or simply do what many successful college students have done….. contact

NEXTSTEP College to Career Coaching and have professional business associates like Coach Ned guide and coach you through the process.


Go to www.nextstepc2c.com and send us an email.