Is Graduate School a Good Idea?

Coach Ned is asked this often. Here’s the deal on the Master’s-or-no Master’s question…

Let’s look at the financial circumstances surrounding a Master’s Degree.  Number one, it costs money and, in many cases, a lot of money.  Number two, it takes at least a year.

It’s never a bad idea to have a graduate degree; however, Coach Ned strongly suggests that a student NOT go into further debt to acquire it.  Let’s say the Master’s program costs $40,000 and it takes one year to complete. Not only are you spending the $40,000 (plus expenses like beer & gas), but it actually costs a lot more. Why?? If you graduate and enter into a career making $42,000, the Master’s Degree will actually cost you $40,000 plus the $42,000 you won’t be earning over the next year.

Which is the best scenario?

  1. You graduate with an undergraduate degree at 23 and borrow money to immediately attend Grad School. After your Master’s;

You’re 24 years old with no real professional experience; however, you do have a Graduate degree and $40,000 of additional debt.

  1. You graduate with an undergraduate degree at 23 and begin working at a company while getting your Master’s at night, paying for most of it (because you have a job) and borrowing some of it. It takes two years to complete your Master’s Degree. After your Master’s;

You’re 25 years old, with a Graduate Degree, two years of professional experience and $20,000-$25,000 of additional debt.

  1. Coach Ned always saves the best for last….

You graduate with an undergraduate degree at 23 and begin working at a company while getting your Master’s at night, paid for by your current employer.  It takes two years to complete your Master’s Degree.  After your Master’s;

You’re 25 years old, with a Graduate Degree, two years of professional experience and no additional debt.  WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER!!!!!


Even though approximately 50% of all graduates are unemployed or under-employed upon graduation, clients of NextStep College to Career Coaching get career job offer(s) prior to graduation. A Graduate degree is great, but if you’re smart, you’ll leverage your talents and join a company which encourages employees to pursue graduate degrees, and actually helps to pay for it.

NextStep C2C…..Your Insurance Policy for Your College Investment!


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